St Ann's Church

St. Ann's Catholic Church and School were located at 210 St. Ann St., San Antonio, Texas. The Church continues to serve the community there, but the school has since closed. Class pictures from 1953, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, and 1965 were photographed by Roger Mendoza (with permission) using Nikon D800 (36 MP) camera at the rectory. They were in frames and behind glass in good condition (except for the glass of the 1956 class was cracked). The Class of 1969 picture was scanned in high resolution. All of the photographs were retouched and enhanced. Additional images were found on social media (with a notation). If someone has a better-quality photo, please send it to Roger Mendoza on Facebook (Roger.Mendoza.3701). The colorization of the photographs is a work in progress.